Market and demand potential
For the future market for rocking beds, the potential Total Addressable Market is the entire market for beds as mattress pads that could theoretically be replaced by rocking beds, measured in volume terms at 250 million units in the US¹ .
Any calculation of SAM (Serviceable Available Market) and SOM (Serviceable & Obtainable Market) for the non-existent rocking bed market would be tentative and incorrect.
The existence of latent demand for adult sleep rocking devices is proven by a combination of several interrelated behavioral and consumer factors:
- The production of pleasure hormones from rocking, which began before birth, continues with rocking when babies are fed and rocking them to sleep. So babies like to be rocked and adults figure out how to rock for rest, peace, relaxation or pleasure.
- The rocking habit of adults on rocking rocking chairs and recliners, whose market size was US$ 3.2² and 4.5³ billion in 2023, whose consumption in the US (about a third of the market) is measured in millions of units per year.
- Abundance of rocking beds for adults without electric drive on the US market: mechanical, on curved slides, pendulum type with ceiling mount, for researching which it is enough to type “rocking bed” in a Google search.
- Growing consumption of traditional sleep products with modern high-tech features - smart and adjustable beds, with a market size of US$ 6.74 billion in 2022⁴, in the U.S. US$ 2.54 billion at a CAGR of 8.8% through 2030.
- Long-term consumer interest in innovation in the Sleep Tech industry with a market size of US$ 16.1 billion in 2022 and an incredible projected CAGR of 22.6% to 2033⁵.
- Long-term interest in innovation in the Sex Tech industry with a market size of US$ 31.9 billion in 2022 and a projected CAGR of 18.4% per annum over the next few years⁶,
- Stable demand for baby rocking devices - rocking beds and rocking cradles that build the habit of rocking to sleep from childhood, estimated at US$ 2 billion in 2022⁷, the market for smart rocking beds for babies is nascent and estimated at US$ 0.33 billion⁸.
The demand for rocking beds for therapeutic purposes depends on the effectiveness of Bedy Active Breath technology, which will be determined by future scientific research. Bedy Active Breath technology could potentially replace or supplement CPAP masks, replace or supplement other anti-snoring and sleep apnea products, replace or supplement other anti-snoring devices, the markets for which are:
- CPAP⁹ masks - US$2.76 billion in 2021, growing at a CAGR of 7.4% per year through 2030,
- anti-sleep apnea devices¹⁰ - US$ 4.9 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 7.3% per annum through 2032,
- anti-snoring devices¹⁰ - US$ 1.33 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 7.5% per annum to 2033.
⁵ ⁶