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Mattress  and  bed

Once upon a time, beds for sleeping were a great value, they were cared for, cherished, and the best and worst bed was specified in a will. Today, a bed is a standard-sized mattress pad. Faceless and uninteresting.

Mattress  and  bed

The U.S. population is 336 million people, the vast majority of whom sleep on mattresses at night, as the best way to sleep is traditionally considered to be lying motionless on a flat, horizontal, moderately soft surface.


Mattresses are durable and relatively inexpensive, with a lifespan of about 10 years, and 36 million new mattresses are purchased in the United States each year. Falling asleep and sleeping on a soft mattress is familiar, comfortable and pleasant, and neither the shape, functionality nor design of mattresses fundamentally changes over decades.


There are hundreds of online and offline mattress sellers, whose products and business models are easy to copy, so the competition in this market is incredible, and bright startups often fail to survive the competition and their own growth.


Mattresses are rarely on the floor, they are on beds: it is more familiar, comfortable, hygienic and aesthetically pleasing. The bed is a support for the mattress. Choosing a place to sleep, people first of all choose a comfortable mattress on which they lie, physically the bed does not affect the person lying on the mattress. Beds and mattresses are made to standard sizes so that it is easy to change one mattress for another or one bed (mattress pad) for another mattress pad (bed).


With the development of technology came smart beds (beds with mattresses that have adjustable shape, temperature and firmness) with AI, sensors that measure the physiological parameters of the user, vibromassage and other contraptions. But this did not change the nature of sleep, which remained the same motionless sleep on a flat, moderately soft surface.


A rocking bed is no different in shape and size from a regular bed. That is, the rocking bed is a familiar mattress stand, on which you can put any mattress - flat or with an adjustable shape.


Functionally, rocking bed and mattress do not compete with each other, but complement each other's functionality. By purchasing a rocking bed and keeping a familiar mattress with a set of features, or by choosing a suitable mattress on the market, the consumer gets a completely new rocking function that a separate mattress or another bed cannot provide, and completely new possibilities that Bedy Active Breath technology provides with the Bedy rocking bed.

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