Project Challenges
Current problems:
- Structural: Ilya Voronin is a solo funder, which carries increased risks of making erroneous decisions.
- Organizational: there is no development team to be created, which will take effort and time, and may eventually lead to longer project phases.
- Technological: labor-intensive tasks of forming algorithms to control the rocking bed, creating customized multi-sensory exposure for different purposes, user interfaces and voice companion.
- Scientific: identification of possible negative short-term and long-term effects of vestibular stimulation and multisensory influence, lack of accurate effectiveness of motion sickness in different stages of sleep, in respiratory recovery, in counteracting snoring and apnea, including in conjunction with other devices, in waking up, in sensory relationships.
- Legal: risks of challenging patents on inventions and intellectual property.
- Financial: need for external investment to advance the project.
- Economic: low demand for products.
- Technical: breakdowns and failure of rocking bed components.
- Marketing: consumer indifference to the product or lack of PMF.
Critical Issues:
- Identification of significant adverse health effects to rol users due to vestibular stimulation or multisensory exposure.
- Lack of funding at Pre-seed or Seed stages.
- Prohibition of production or sales by rights holders or regulatory authorities.
- Consumer indifference to the product.